When the news broke yesterday on the arrest of a young man who was wanted for the alleged murder of a masseuse from the Upper West Side of Manhattan, I didn't drop my coffee from hand and run to turn up the television. Another murder. Another person losing their mind. Another crime. Okay, so...? Shock me with something new!
If you're not already familiar with the story by now here's the deal:
Police arrested Philip Markoff, a 23 year old med student suspected of murder, armed robbery and kidnapping. He allegedly met up with a Julissa Brisman through a Craigslist ad she posted offering services as a masseuse. Upon meeting her at a hotel in Boston, he robbed her, bashed her in the head and then shot her three times. According to police, Markoff is also suspected of stalking and attacking other women. Charges relating to these cases are yet pending.
Now getting to my point here....
The supposedly shocking part of this news story is that the suspect is a summa cum laude graduate now in med school who apparently was the ideal all American boy about to be married to a young woman in wedding bliss.
The media made such a big deal over the fact that he was a med student who seemed to be a "good guy!" His fiancee' has made the statement "He's a beautiful person inside and out who couldn't hurt a fly!"
Well....I'm not shocked. I'm not impressed. I'm not saying to myself "Damn, that's crazy, can't believe that!" Because quite honestly, isn't it always the "nice, quiet, god-fearing, church going, community organizer, red cross volunteer, loving husband, father of three, honor student, class president..............that usually wiggs out and rapes, molests, murders and maims!!??
Just recently.......it was a SUNDAY SCHOOL/BIBLE SCHOOL TEACHER......who kidnapped, raped and molested then murdered an 8 year old girl in California!
Lesson for the day:
There are plenty of creepy people in this world and they wear a variety of masks!
Going to church, being a good husband, a great father, a nice boy, nice girl, a community leader, a politician, a minister, preacher, pope or...whatever....MEANS NOTHING!!!! In fact, if you ask me....Those are usually the people I look at with a bit more suspicion!!!
Oh don't let me get started on the CHURCH and RELIGION!! (another blog...)
In closing....Just want to show some respect to the victim(s) as of late:


Like minds cuz - I was ranting about Phillip Markoff today too! You raise such a great point about not being fooled by titles, society standing, and other masks. I am always suspicious of "perfect people" cause the tighter the facade the harder they crack!